
James Trapp(蒲华杰)简介
He graduated from SOAS, University of London, with an Honors degree in Chinese with special papers in pre-Han archaeology and early Buddhist sculpture. He trained as a primary school teacher. He spent several years running after-school Mandarin clubs for a variety of schools at primary and secondary level and, in cooperation with Bamboo Learning, co-authored detailed schemes of work for Primary Mandarin for the DCSF. He spent seven years as the China Education Manager at the British Museum and went on to run a 5-year project at the UCL IOE Confucius Institute for Schools, developing Primary Mandarin. He now works as a free-lance literary translator, mainly translating prize-winning contemporary Chinese novels but he has also produced new translations of three of the Chinese classics: The Art of War《孙子兵法》, The Dao De Jing《道德经》and selections from The Book of Songs《诗经》. He is also co-translator with five others of The Communist Party of China: A Concise History《中国共产党简史》.